the challenge
The nightlife in Amsterdam has turned into a very commercial scene. There aren't a lot of locations where amateur music artists cannot perform on a stage. Either they have to pay a lot of money themselves or they are treated horribly. This prevents new and unknown bands to share their passion to the public.
The solution
Imagine a living room filled with people, throw in a jazz band, a few lovely vocals and finish it up with DJs who really know how to handle live instruments and you've got a night. Trashbin is a monthly organised event filled with live music which takes place in any bar Plein in Amsterdam. Trashbin is all about diversity. Trashbin is not about profit but simply about enjoying awesome live sounds and each others presence.
My roll
I was responsible for most of the graphics and the visual communication. I also took upon me most of the artist management keeping contact with all the stakeholders and artists.
My partners
Together with my brother Hani Andary, Charlie Duran and Cripta Scheepers we organised three successful editions.